There are many ways we stay connected to our families:
• Pack 326 Website
The website is full of information. It contains basic information, lists pack events, calendars, forms, and photo gallery.
• Pack 326 Facebook Page
This private Facebook page is the best way to stay up to date with news and events. It’s also a place to see photos of all our events. Be sure to request to join the group and follow all the fun.
The Cubmaster, Den Leaders, Popcorn Kernel, and other leaders will keep you informed through email.
• Text/SMS
Den leaders may form a group text chain to keep you up to date on any last minute changes in meetings or pack news.
• Meetings
Attending den meetings and pack meetings is often the best place to get information and pack news.
Pack 326 Membership Inquiry Form
Please fill out this from and a leader will reach out to you.